Ghɔmáláʼ seminar in Yaoundé, June-July 2022. 350 learners in total in 6 centers.
nursery seminar 2022
Let us speak the Ghɔmáláʼ language to our children, let us send them to the seminar to learn to read and write.Seminars are held every year in Yaoundé; Douala, Bafoussam, Bandjoun and Baham in June-July. Do you also need online or in-home tuition? translation work? annotation work? For more information, please contact us at +237697304044/697777194/698914114. email:
Pə zhíʼ bíŋ gə̌ pú zhíʼ Ghɔmáláʼ. (Let us speak and teach the Ghɔmáláʼ).
Click here to watch Jesus film in Ghɔmáláʼ
Ghomala' is one of the five national languages chosen for the Read at home initiative of the Ministry of Basic Education. Read at home is an initiative of the World Bank in cooperation with the Cameroonian government that aims to promote the culture of reading among Cameroonian children and youth. Thus, a number of free books in Ghomala', Kom, Fulfulde, Ewondo and Douala and others in French and English intended to be read at home have been produced for the first phase of the project.
These books are expected to enter school libraries in September 2023 where pupils will be able to borrow and read with the help of parents. To this end, a training seminar for Regional Inspectors (IPR) and District Inspectors for Basic Education (IAEB) was held in Douala from 20 to 24 February. They will in turn be able to train teachers and parents on the techniques and methods of using these books. Here are some pictures of the seminar.

The Ghomala' language and culture seminar is already on its way: from 1 to 3 July 2023 in Yaoundé in the six centres mentioned on the flyer on the left. Three weeks of face-to-face courses for everyone (children, youth and adults). Come and get trained in order to contribute to the perpetuation of our languages and culture. You can register now at the Maison de la Culture Bandjoun located in Tsinga Camwater, or on site in all centres at the beginning of the course.
The programme includes: speaking-dialogue-presenting-reading-reciting-counting-writing-singing-dancing-playing the tamtam-preparing traditional dishes and many others. All documents will be made available to you.
My language, my culture, is all I hold dear.
GHƆMÁLÁ' 2023 ⛎⛎⛎
Learning the language and culture through songs, stories, tales, figures, dances, sketches, traditional dishes, morals, civic-mindedness, living together...
From Monday 03 to Sunday 23 July 2023, in the 7 Yaoundé centres:
BIYEM-ASSI: Cplex scolaire
Le BERCEAU DES ANGES (near Washington bar, between Marché Acacia and Carrefour Biyem-Assi) (696398350)
Groupe scolaire bilingue DOLA (behind Palais de justice) (699273758)
G sc Le FLAMBEAU, (opposite Tradex, Fally fashion entrance) (690300089)
MIMBOMAN: (Complex scolaire Les PHARAONS (behind the bus station) (697629697)
NGOUSSO: FABRIQUE NGOUSSO (Total) G sc bil LES ALOUETTES (opposite former Phar Bayard) (674379515)
Ecole Cath. Saint Pierre Apôtre de Messamendongo (696514559)
TSINGA MACBY (100 metres away, opposite Christ-Roi) (698914114)
Registration: on 3 July in each centre.
Your contribution is expected, either by OM /MTN deposit (Ed Nokam 697304044 / 672380266), or by La MEC Warda cpte 2793-01).
Available in Yaoundé: Le Livret de L'Alphabet Ghomala'; in coloured and illustrated at 2000 F CFA Contact: Blaise Mkounga T, 676 40 31 82, 697777194,
Thank you in advance for your generosity and encouragement in safeguarding our language and culture.
Ghɔmálá' 2023 (Yaoundé)
3ème jour de la 2ème semaine :
Tsinga : 95, Mimboman : 46 Biyem-Assi :45 Ngousso : 65 Emana :62 Odza : 62 Ekunu : 18 Total : 393
Merci aux parents et anciens séminaristes qui pensent à soutenir ce noble combat pour la sauvegarde de nos langues et cultures.
Edmond NOKAM
697 30 40 44
672 38 02 66
Cpte 2793-01 (LA MEC)
Séminaire Ghomala' 2023, Jour 1 semaine 3
teaching class
Photos cérémonie de clôture du séminaire Ghomala' 2023 avec 400 apprenants dans 07 centres à Yaoundé